Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Analysis of diabetes and sexual relations

Diabetes is a chronic systemic disease, which the basic pathological changes of the absolute or relative lack of insulin caused by sugar, protein, fat, water and electrolyte metabolism disorders. Mainly characterized by high blood sugar, typical symptoms of "a little over 3", that is, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and often accompanied by weight loss. Its etiology is diverse, the pathogenesis is also more complicated. Most cases may be genetically susceptible people in a variety of environmental factors on the result of the interaction.

Diabetes and sexual

Diabetes can be a normal sex life, sex life does not increase the diabetes disease process. However, serious diabetes complications, the healthy spouse to understanding the patient, can not be forced to act, or adverse effects may occur.

Impotence male impotence incidence of diabetes by up to 40% to 60%, symptoms gradually worsened. Penile erection is not the first firm only can ejaculation, orgasm exists, there are normal sex drive. With the extended duration of diabetes, and finally to develop into complete impotence. Impotence caused by diabetes, with the following factors:

Early blood testosterone and gonadotropins to normal after the occurrence of pituitary and testicular pathological changes, a corresponding reduction in sex hormone;

Diabetes, renal dysfunction or liver dysfunction, nerve degeneration, including the erection of the autonomic dominant, because the sensitivity of neuropathy affect the feelings of the penis and reduce the erectile response, peripheral atherosclerosis, affecting the blood supply to the penis, can also cause impotence; hardening of the arteries, when it comes to penis small artery will affect erectile function; the spirit and the influence of drugs.

Moreover, impotence can be a symptom of diabetes earlier, hence the phenomenon should be related impotence diabetes checks. If confirmed to have diabetes, have active treatment, carefully controlled diet, regular application of hypoglycemic drugs. Diabetes under control, impotence symptoms be improved. If not receive effective treatment, accompanied by loss of libido, and diabetes has been controlled by checking, psychological factors should be considered at this time, the need to eliminate anxiety, with his wife and to give comfort.

Too long duration of diabetes, although elevated after the blood sugar under control, but the impotence persists, not only in sexual intercourse is not in the early morning when the phenomenon of penile erection, which is already impotence organic impotence may be related to neuropathy, vascular damage or endocrine disorders related to detailed examination should go to the hospital, symptomatic treatment. Organic impotence may, by surgical implantation of penile prosthesis to achieve the purpose of life.

Retrograde ejaculation about 1% to 2% in the patients with retrograde ejaculation, or orgasm semen from the urethral orifice injection, but the counter-current to the bladder, which dominated the patient's autonomic nerve damage to the bladder neck, bringing the ejaculation of the should be in the closed state of the bladder neck into the open.

Female diabetic male sexual function problems are not obvious, the psychological pressure of small, mainly for the lack of orgasm, some statistical occurrence rate of 35.2%. The reason for the autonomic nervous system injury. In addition, female patients slightly decreased vaginal lubrication, sensitivity of autonomic nerve damage to the vagina weaken, and prone to vaginal infections, infection can lead to painful intercourse and lead to low libido. Such as vaginal dryness, couples can use oil to lubricate the vagina, increasing sexual pleasure. Such as vaginal fungal infection can be localized using nystatin to eliminate the local inflammation. Treatment with hypoglycemic drugs, diet, infection control and other comprehensive adjustment, sexual function can also be recovered gradually.

Women with diabetes should be actively treated diabetes, when the disease under control after the sexual dysfunction can also be improved. Rational use of drugs at the same time, a thorough treatment of vaginitis. Appear atrophic vaginitis female patients with oral estrogen may be appropriate, such as nylestriol films and so on can also be used vaginal lubricants.

The relationship between diabetes and birth

Pregnant women with diabetes, the problem should be carefully considered. Diabetes and Pregnancy There are two cases: one is diabetic pregnancy, that have diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance before pregnancy for women of pregnancy, postpartum no change or worsening diabetes; the other is gestational diabetes, that is, without diabetes before pregnancy or impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes after pregnancy, postpartum return to normal.

If pregnant women with diabetes, have to go to the hospital for a doctor to do a comprehensive and detailed pre-pregnancy and prenatal care, to understand the severity of the current diabetes, and whether the time of pregnancy and childbirth, methods, it is very necessary, this must not lightly.

If pregnant women associated with diabetic nephropathy, coronary atherosclerosis, proliferative retinopathy fundus when abortion should be made to the early termination of pregnancy. If accompanied by high blood pressure, the best have to terminate pregnancy. Under such circumstances, the maternal child health at risk.

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