Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Health advice of experts to the public

Cancer expert advice:

We should always be careful of our health, some times,we need home health care services for ourselves.

1. The meat is best cooked to eat. Because high-temperature roasted meat will break down amino acids and the foration of carcinogens. So best to cook the meat to eat.

2. The raise of pets can increase the body's endorphins and oxytocin, and can reduce the stress hormone cortisol, thereby enhancing the immune system.

3. Lunch, eating slowly. Slowly and enjoy lunch, to protect the cardiovascular, anti-aging.

Dental expert advice:

1. Absorb multi-intake of antioxidants. Broccoli and Blueberry have antioxidant-rich foods such as to prevent gingivitis.

2. Eat a little lemon. Lemon juice can not be too much to drink, not to direct suck, because acids will destroy tooth enamel.

3. Use a soft toothbrush. Toothbrush is too hard may damage the tooth enamel, leading to gingival recession. May consider the use of electric soft-bristled toothbrush.

Foot expert advice:

1. Measure foot size. The size of his foot Should be measured every few years, especially after pregnancy or weight change. Shoes are too small will lead to thumb bursitis (cause convex and deformity of joint between the toe and foot), corns and hammer toes and other issues.

2. Often changing his shoes. Do not wear the same total height shoes, otherwise they will be hurt too much pressure on foot, it should be shifts in high heels and flat shoes to wear.

3. Sandals injury foot. Often barefoot or wear sandals of the type of shoes can lead to heel pain.

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