Sunday, January 24, 2010

Eat raw onion to lower Lipid

A 60-year-old, she suffered from hyperlipidemia, moderate fatty liver, high blood pressure and other diseases, because of her many years of sustained hyperlipidemia always be cut down, leading to cardio-cerebral vascular sclerosis, there is a serious health hidden. Early last year, she heard friends introduced eating raw onion a day works well, so one day, raw duck eggs adhere to the size of purple onion. She began to get raw onion spicy nose DC, over a period of time not only slowly used to it. 3 months later, she went to the hospital investigation found that the indicators decreased blood lipids, making B-ultrasonic examination showed mild to moderate fatty liver into a fatty liver. Six months later she Zaiqu examination, the doctor was surprised to find: all the normal blood lipids, fatty liver has completely disappeared.

According to information available: onion, also known as onion, as the vegetable has more than 5,000 years of history, onions are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin C, carotene, nicotinic acid, prostaglandin A, diallyl disulfide matter and sulfur amino acids and other ingredients, one of the sulfur amino acids have the effect of lowering blood lipid and blood pressure, prostaglandin A with the expansion of blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity, the role of prevention of thrombosis. Onion is also rich in selenium, can reduce the incidence of cancer. Any adult 50-80 grams of raw onion a day health care role is very significant, really deserves to be called the "queen of vegetables."

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