Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bad behavior is easy to endanger our health (Ⅳ)

We always do some behaviors which we do not pay attention to these actions in our daily life. But we do not know that these actions affect our physical health and lead to serious illness.

Calcium deficiency cause insomnia
The consequences of calcium deficiency more than just leg cramps, forgetfulness, walk god, insomnia, are also calcium deficiency by-product. Because of adequate calcium can inhibit the brain's excited, and calcium deficiency will affect the normal metabolism of neurons. The best food for the brain, calcium is food legumes such as soybeans, tofu and so on, but the effect of soy milk is not good, because soy milk contains a small amount of lactose will affect the calcium in the large neurons in the role.

Throw away detoxification pill
Get angry? Appear Acne? It is not obvious what take those detox pills to cure the effect of the fire. It may increase the body's nutritional balance because it stimulates intestinal. In fact, from a nutritional point of view, the most effective way is to temporarily abandon down bear fire drinking and drinking coffee, drink plenty of water and eat less food containing fat.

Bad feelings make you sick
Bad mood is more terrible than the strong viral source of infection! 80% of diseases are in fact inspired by the spirit of volatility, especially digestive diseases and skin diseases; you can easily arise because of the bad feelings overeating, diarrhea or skin allergies and other symptoms.

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