Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Salt can cure heat stroke

If you are suffering from heat stroke, you should leave the environment of high temperature, drink more some soft drinks containing salt, such as iced mineral waters and bean soup, can also smear essential balm, medicated oil and so on. Or you can take orally traditional Chinese medicine such as Ren Dan, Shi Dishui, Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui and so on. You can rub center of palm, foot, foreflank-thorax and back with 50 grams of salt. It is the time that shows the red dot a little and you feel relaxation to end.

If heat stroke is very serious, should put wet towels or ice packs on head, armpit and groin before the arrival of doctor or going to the hospital, and wipe the limbs or body skin with cold water until skin is hot, or use fan to cool, at last drink some cold water with garlic juice.

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