Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to prevent hemorrhoids

There are 9 people who suffer from hemorrhoids in 10 people. It is meaning that it is possible to suffer from hemorrhoids both young and old people. However, it is the period of hemorrhoids disease-prone in spring and autumn. It is the lack of moisture in autumn and air is dry according to traditional Chinese medicine. The regulatory function is easily to confuse and could occur dry stool, constipation, at last lead to hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids appear around anus, look like a protruding organization. Hemorrhoids are actually varicosity in the view of pathological point, and it form clump under submucosal and skin of anus. It is great relevant to people's careers, habits of eating and living. There are four kinds of people most vulnerable to the disease in general, and concentrate in the 40-60 years of old. At first, there are some people who stand and sit for a long time, and constipation long time, such as drivers, headworker, and white-collar workers. Second, pregnant women, due to the anus directly affected by the baby's blood pressure, so it will return to disorder occurs, coupled with a long forced childbirth, caused varicosity around the anus. Third, include these people who have no regular daily life. Such as regular eating and drinking, like to eat spicy things, drink wine. Forth, include these people who have bad habit. Such as these people squat toilet reading the newspaper. These people need to strengthen exercise especially in autumn. They should avoid standing, sitting long time, and remove bad habits, and need to pay attention to a reasonable diet, eat fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, eat less greasy spicy, remove the bad habit of partial eclipse.

In fact, many people is likely to have disease in their life without being aware. They think that is constipation only occasionally, not hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be see and judge by themselves, especially in these special groups, need to keep track of the stool. If you feel pain during bowel movements, you may be got anal fissure, inflammatory external hemorrhoids, anal sinusitis, etc.. If the swelling does not touch, you may be got anal abscess. If there is purulent discharge, it may be the fistula. If anal itch, also accompanied by discharge, it is anal eczema. If accompanied by bleed, it is likely to be hemorrhoids, but if color of blood is dull after the stool, and frequency of stool increase every day, also accompanied by physical decline, there may be rectal cancer.

Therefore, if you once found that you suffer from such a disease, do not overlook. Do not assume that it will fine a few days later. Do not do that you do not go to hospital until you could not endure pain. If you do like this, it will not only delay the treatment, but also increase pain. However, the best treatment is prevention. It should be a routine annual inspection of the anus and rectum.

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