Saturday, January 16, 2010

Health exercise in the evening

As the saying goes that "One day is the morning of the count." Most people are accustomed to the morning exercise. It will inspire the spirit of people. However, health experts abroad think that some medical studies suggest that exercise is also of great benefit in the evening. University Health Center, a U.S. study pointed out: the body's various activities are governed by the "clock" control, 24 hours a day. The person's physical strength had a certain degree of regularity in the highest and lowest point. While the physical play to the highest point, the time is mostly in the evening. During the period of time, the reaction of person's physical to the sensitivity and adaptability should reach to a peak rate. And increase in heart rate and blood pressure are also the most stable during the period of time. It benefits to health. Time of movement in evening is shorter away from the sleep. Fatigue resulting can urge to fall asleep faster.

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