Saturday, January 23, 2010

How to cure skin pruritus

It can cure skin pruritus with vinegar and glycerin. Vinegar contains acids and aldehydes can make capillary vessel expand, and stimulate skin. Glycerin can soften the skin and maintain moisture. You can make the white vinegar and glycerin according to the ratio of 3:7 mixtures. You take a dose every day or 2 to 3 dose every week. Usually it decreases the skin pruritus after a week.

Another method, it can cure skin pruritus with Chinese date and mung bean. Take Chinese date of 20 pieces, 100 grams of mung bean, a spoon of lard and amount of crystal sugar. Until boiled to the mung bean flower, then can eat it a dose every day. Usually it decreases the skin pruritus after a week.

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